General Travel Terms



The ticket is individual and nominal, non-transferable and valid for the seat, the route and the date for which it was issued.


  • Pursuant to P.D. 102/2019 (A΄ 182), the provisions of P.D. 23/1999 "Registration of persons travelling on passenger ships operating to or from Greek ports in accordance with Directive 98/41/EC/1998" are amended.
  • In order to enable the registration of passengers, tickets are issued NOMINATELY and in particular must indicate:
  • DATE OF BIRTH (Day/Month/Year)


In addition to the above, persons requiring SPECIAL CARE must be declared to the issuing agency.



  • Tickets must be issued within the deadline set by the date of booking, of which passengers are informed by their travel agent. Otherwise, the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
  • The exact mobile telephone number of the passengers must be recorded so that they can be informed in the event of changes to the timetable (e.g. due to adverse weather conditions).
  • The issuing of tickets on board is prohibited and therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience, passengers must make reservations and issue tickets in good time.
  • Children up to 5 years old (up to 4 years & 364 days): it is compulsory to issue a ticket at a zero fare, provided that they are booked and ticketed at the same time with an adult.


  • Children up to 5 years old travel free of charge. ταξιδεύουν δωρεάν.
  • Children 5-10 years old have a 50% discount on the fare. they have a 50% discount on the fare.
  • Multi-children have 50% discount on the fare. they have a 50% discount on the fare.
  • Only students of Greek public universities are entitled to a 50% student discount on the fare.
  • Persons with special needs (disabled persons) and their companion (with a disability rate of 80% or more and certified by a document from the competent body that they need a companion) have a 50% discount on the fare.


GRANTS IN GROUP: granted according to availability, upon your written request.: shall be granted subject to availability, after document your request.


Discounts are not off settable and only the highest percentage discount is given at a time. Passengers entitled to a discount are kindly requested to declare it at the time of booking and to bring all the necessary proofs both when issuing the ticket and when boarding the ship. After the ticket has been issued, no refunds will be made for any disputes arising.


Pets travel with ticket. The ships have special pet accommodation. Passengers travelling with a pet must always carry an up-to-date health booklet and are responsible for the care, safety, feeding and hygiene of the pet. Unaccompanied pets are not accepted.


  • From 14 days before departure: Tickets are cancelled without cancellation fee if the ticket body is returned intact or converted to open date tickets.
  • From 7 days to 14 days before departure: 25% cancellation fee is retained or alternatively tickets are converted to open date or for another date.
  • From 7 days before departure up to 12 hours before departure: 50% cancellation fee will be retained or alternatively the tickets will be converted to open date or for another date.
  • From 12 hours to departure: 50% cancellation fee will be retained. The tickets are not converted to open date and the date cannot be changed.
  • After departure: Tickets are not cancelled and are not converted to open date and no date change is possible.



  • Open date tickets ("open") are not accepted for boarding unless the departure date is confirmed and a Boarding Pass is issued.
  • Tickets are valid for a maximum of one (1) year from the date of their conversion to open date, or for the period of time the ship remains on the specific route.
  • If the passenger wishes to travel on a date with a higher fare than the fare he/she has paid, he/she must pay the difference between the current fare and the fare he/she has paid. If fares have been increased by the date of travel, open date ticket holders must pay the difference.
  • In case of cancellation of an open date ticket, the cancellation policy of the original ticket shall apply.



  • Tickets can only be cancelled by the issuing agencies.
  • Tickets cannot be cancelled by telephone. The person concerned must hand in the tickets at the issuing agency.


The above also applies in the case of remote ticket purchase via our Company's website (online booking – provided that written notification is given by e-mail. In the ticket cancellation request, the passenger must obligatorily indicate the booking/ticket details and contact information.


In case of loss of the ticket or the vehicle's transport receipt, the passenger will have to buy a new ticket in order to travel. The lost ticket must be cancelled and replaced in time by the person concerned, otherwise the passenger will not be allowed to board the ship. All details of the lost ticket will be searched for at the agency where you made the reservation and the ticket was issued.



The passenger must:

a) be in the embarkation area of the ship one (1) hour before departure, and

(b) bring his/her vehicle to the loading area one (1) hour before departure.

The driver must load and unload his vehicle one hour before the start of the journey. Passengers of the vehicles are required to disembark from the vehicles before they are loaded on board. The order of priority for loading the vehicles is determined by the Port Regulations of the Port Authority in the area where the loading takes place. All passengers must be provided with the necessary valid travel documents.

The Financial Officers shall carry out ticket checks on boarding and during the journey. During the check, passengers shall be required to show their tickets, passport or identity card or other valid travel documents, as well as commercial discount documents (if a discount ticket has been issued). The company reserves the right to deny boarding if the passenger does not have the required travel documents and cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt his/her identity.

After embarkation, disembarkation is not allowed without the permission of the ship's officers in charge. In the event that a passenger wishes to cancel his/her journey after embarkation, he/she must take his/her luggage and vehicle off the ship (if possible).


The carriage of an unaccompanied minor passenger who has not reached the age of 15° shall not be permitted.

The carriage of minors who have reached the age of 15 to 18 years, unaccompanied by a parent or guardian, is permitted under the following conditions:

  • Completion of a Responsible Declaration by the parent or legal guardian of the minor, certified with the authenticity of the signature by the Police or Port Authority or Relevant declarations are available from the Company's Customer Service Department via email at [email protected] as well as at the local port offices of the Company.
  • For boarding the ship, the minor passenger must have the original Declaration and his/her Identity Card with his/her ticket, as well as his/her Identity Card to confirm his/her identity.
  • In any case, the parent or legal guardian of the minor passenger is fully responsible for the timely acquisition and validation of the Declaration of Responsibility, as well as all accompanying documents that may be required at the port of departure.
  • Under no circumstances shall the company be liable if, due to insufficient documents and/or identification certificates, the boarding is not allowed by the competent ship's Officers or Port Authorities.


  • Baggage must be placed in special places on board, according to the instructions of the crew. Each passenger is entitled to leave up to two (2) pieces of luggage in the ship's garage. For more than two (2) pieces of luggage, each piece of luggage/baggage must be accompanied by the corresponding bill of lading.
  • The carrier is not liable for loss of money, valuables or luggage in the ship's public areas, vehicles or cabins. The carrier shall be liable for damage to or loss of luggage on board the ship only if it is handed over for safekeeping and a receipt is issued.
  • The luggage must not contain objects of value. Items of value may be handed over to the ship's Reception for safe keeping.


  • For safety reasons, passengers must always comply with the instructions of the Master and crew.
  • Access to the ship's garage is not permitted during the voyage.
  • Passengers are strictly prohibited from carrying explosives, flammable materials and other dangerous substances.
  • In case a passenger carries a weapon, he/she is obliged to hand it over to the Master for safekeeping upon boarding and to show the permit to possess/carry a weapon.


  • The company will make every effort to keep to the timetables announced. However, it reserves the right to modify them if necessary.
  • The duration of the voyage refers to the time between leaving the port of departure and entering the port of arrival.
  • The company reserves the right to change its vessels if necessary.




  • Passengers and vehicles may board without changing their tickets.


  • Tickets for a cancelled trip are not valid for boarding and must be changed for the next scheduled departure, on which there is seat availability, by issuing a new ticket.



In cases where the itinerary is delayed or cancelled due to force majeure (e.g. bad weather conditions), passengers are requested to contact the local port authorities and partner agencies to be informed of the new departure time of the ship.



It is compulsory to record the exact mobile phone number of passengers so that they can be informed in case of changes to the timetable (e.g. due to adverse weather conditions). In the case of reservations for passengers outside Greece, the 4-digit country code of their country must also be indicated.



Passengers who have lost or found an item are kindly requested to inform the ship's reception immediately during the journey and necessarily before disembarking from the ship. For any information after disembarkation, please contact the Customer Service Department by email at [email protected]


  1. LAW 3730 - NO SMOKING

In accordance with Law No. 3730 of the Ministry of Health, as of 1 July 2009, smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public areas and cabins of our ships. Passengers may only smoke in the designated areas of the external open decks.



For any questions, comments or remarks, passengers may contact us by email at: [email protected] or via telephone at 2106206427